Periscope. Snapchat. Twitter. Instagram. Google Plus (heh). Facebook. Pinterest. StumbleUpon. Reddit. It’s easy to get caught in the rat race of social media presence as a blogger. However, when you only have very limited time it doesn’t benefit you or your readers to have a lackluster presence on every social network. Before deciding to join yet another social network, be sure to ask yourself these three questions.

Is my ideal audience on there?
So, it would do me absolutely no good to put my super pink, super girly blog She Be Knowin on Reddit. Pretty sure nobody there really cares about my latest Scandal recaps or cross stitching things. My ideal audience for that blog is young millennial women that can be more easily found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram.

Do I have time for this network?
I’ve basically had a Periscope since it started, yet I decided that it is not a network I have time for. The amount of time it would take me to reach a “camera ready” level just seems like too much to me. Now I will take a moment to talk out of the other side of my mouth and say that it’s a good idea to reserve a social media account with your brand name so no one else can get it. I personally work best with social networks that allow me to schedule posts ahead of time, so Facebook and Twitter are always a given. Work smart where you can is my motto when it comes to blogging as someone who has a full-time occupation.

What unique value can I bring through this social network?
In addition to your posts (everyone posts their posts), decide what you can bring to your audience on the social network. Is it funny memes, motivational “pick me up” type posts, or a unique take on current events? Whatever it is, take a moment to think of how you can best benefit your audience and have them seeking your page(s) out for me.

Still not sure which social media networks would be good for your blog? Contact me at to schedule your social media consultation.