Full disclosure, I am preaching to myself as well as you. I have two blogs, which means I definitely should be a blogging machine. But life happens and sometimes writer’s block is a thing and at the end of the day, new blog posts just doesn’t happen as often as they should.

Good news is, I’m here to help! Blogtober is a 30-day challenge to help you become a blogging boss. You set your own goal and then make a S.M.A.R.T. Plan for it. (Specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time-bound.) The time part is taken care of since our time will be the month of October.

To illustrate the other parts, I’ll give you an example of my Blogtober Goal:

S – Provide consistent blog content for She Be Knowin in the month of October.
M – Publish 3 blog posts a week. (12 posts total for the month.)
A – I’ll achieve this by writing on Sunday and Wednesday every week.
R – Keeping this realistic by not doing too many posts, creating an editorial calendar beforehand and scheduling posts each week.
T – October 1 -31.

So are you ready to get started? Sign up below! There will be lots of encouragement, freebies, and tips to get you going.


Sign up for the Blogtober Challenge!

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